Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ten Phrases to Avoid

Ten Phrases to Avoid

1. "I don't know." Instead say, "I'll find out."

2. "No." Instead say, "What I can do is..."

3. "That's not my job. Instead say, "This is who can help you."

4. "You're right. This stinks!" Instead say, "I understand your frustration."

5. "That's not my fault." Instead say, "Let's see what we can do about this."

6. "You need to speak to my Manager." Instead say, "I can help you"

7. "You want it by when?" Instead say, "I'll try my best."

8. "Calm down." Instead say, "I'm sorry."

9. "I'm busy right now." Instead say, "I'll be with you in a moment."

10. "Call me back." Instead say, "I'll call you back in ( X # minutes)."

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