Friday, January 26, 2007


360' Leadership


In dispelling the Myths of Leading from the Middle of an Organization, John C. Maxwell states that in a typical company, “99 percent of all leadership occurs not from the top, but from the middle.” Ironically, leadership training has almost exclusively targeted leaders at the executive level. The importance of middle management has been overlooked and undervalued.
The 360° Leader™ workshop spotlights the necessity of solid leadership in the all-important positions responsible for interpreting and implementing an organization’s vision and mission. This powerful training experience empowers leaders to exercise their influence upward upon superiors, across to their fellow management, and down to the team members they supervise.
The common denominator of thriving companies is the presence of competent leaders at every level of their organizational structures. Invest in the leadership potential of your personnel and reap the benefits of skilled management that is responsive to change, continuously improving, and consistently delivering results.


1. Unearth time-proven principles to enable you to gain influence with superiors, earn respect from colleagues, and inspire excellence from followers.
2. Become a valued problem-solver by learning how to communicate to leadership what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.
3. Discover how to anticipate the needs of upper level leadership and craft solutions to meet them.
4. Gain the reputation of a go-to player by assuming responsibility for tough assignments.
5. Sharpen your analysis of current business models to reduce workloads through greater efficiency and simpler processes.
6. Win the admiration of co-workers by identifying ways to add value to them and contribute to their projects.
7. Master productive thinking: ideas are the lifeblood of the organization.
8. Learn to invest heavily in those you lead—leadership is primarily a people business.
9. Benefit from the personal attention you receive as the average attendee-to-facilitator ratio will be 25:1.


Nothing is more important than transferring what you learn in the classroom back to your work environment. That is why we purposely schedule time during the workshop for you to create your own Leadership Action Plan. Our facilitator will walk you through a process so that you capture the most critical steps you need to take to become a better leader. Result : A plan that is easily transferred into specific actions that you can implement your first day back on the job.You have already read that we focus on Observable and Measurable Behaviors. This means we start with the end goal in mind. If you want to work on gaining a greater level of commitment from those you lead, we will help you write your Leadership Action Plan accordingly. If you need to improve how and when you empower others, then your action plan will specifically spell out how to observe and measure that behavior.

The name workshop says it all. While our two-day workshops are led by an engaging Maximum Impact Facilitator, you'll soon realize this is not just a sit-and-soak event. You'll roll up your sleeves and participate unlike any other training program before.

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